Oxbow, Inc.


Protecting and Preserving Wetlands

Honorarium or Memorial Form


Print this form, fill in the information and mail it, with your check, to:

Oxbow, Inc.

P.O. Box 4172

Lawrenceburg , IN 47025

Oxbow, Inc sincerely thanks you for your donation which will help preserve

and improve wildlife habitat and protect a unique local wetland area.


My Gift is:

In memory of _____________________________________________________


In honor of (person) _______________________________________________


(occasion) _______________________________________________________


Oxbow, Inc. will acknowledge your gift by sending an appropriate note to those you designate. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned.


Please Notify: ______________________________________________________


Address: __________________________________________________________


City _______________________________ State _________ Zip ____________


From _____________________________________________________________


Address __________________________________________________________


City ________________________________ State _________ Zip ___________


Phone: (       ) _______________________ Amount of my gift: $ ___________


Please make your check payable to Oxbow, Inc.


Thank You – Your gift is tax deductible

Make a copy of this form for your records. As prescribed by tax law,

Oxbow, Inc. will formally acknowledge any donation of $250 or more.