Oxbow, Inc.


Protecting and Preserving Wetlands

How You Can Help

Oxbow, Inc. is a nonprofit organization formed by conservation groups and concerned citizens of Ohio and Indiana for the purpose of preserving and protecting a wetlands ecosystem locally known as the Oxbow, Hardintown, or Horseshoe Bottoms, from industrial development and to preserve the floodplain at the confluence of the Great Miami and Ohio rivers for use as a staging area for the seasonal migrations of waterfowl. This agricultural area is rich in geological, archaeological, and anthropological history.


You can help our efforts by becoming a member of Oxbow, Inc. Additionally you may want to contribute a memorial or make a contribution in honor of someone. Contributions to Oxbow are tax-deductible. We are proud of the fact that the all-volunteer nature of our organization holds administrative costs to an exceptionally low level. Help us save this unique wetland ecosystem. Make the tristate a richer place in which to live by helping us to preserve this precious resource.


Click here for membership levels and a form to send in to Oxbow, Inc.


Click here for an Honorarium or Memorial Form