Oxbow, Inc.
Protecting and Preserving Wetlands
Whirligig Beetles Caveman Etisi, 2012
Whirligig Beetles with Young photo byCaveman Etris, 2012
Blue-Fronted Dancer Damselfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Familiar Bluet Damselfly
Mating Bluet Damselflies |
Widow Skimmer Dragonfly (immature) photo byCaveman Etris, 2011 |
Widow Skimmer Dragonfly (mature) photo byCaveman Etris, 2011 |
Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly
Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly |
Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly (female) photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly (male) photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Common Whitetail Dragonfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 | |
Black Swallowtail |
Spring Azure Butterfly
Eastern Comma Butterfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2014
Eastern Comma Butterfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2014 |
Comma Butterfly video of Eastern Comma by Caveman Etris, 2014
Question Mark Butterfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Question Mark Butterfly |
Question Mark Butterfly |
Clouded Sulphur Butterfly photo by Caveman Etris, 2013 |
Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly (larger than the Clouded)
Red Admiral Butterfly
| |
Columbine Duskywing Butterfly
Red Spotted Purple Butterfly |
Monarch Butterfly photo by Caveman Etris, 2014
Viceroy Butterfly |
Viceroy Butterfly
Hackberry Emperor Butterfly photo by Caveman Etris, 2015 |
Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar |
Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis Denis Conover, 2014 |
Checkered White Butterfly |
Pearly Crescent Spot Butterfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Mating Checkered Skipper Butterflies
Checkered Skipper-Butterflies photo byCaveman Etris, 2015
Fiery-Skipper-Butterflies byCaveman Etris, 2014
Silver-spotted Skipper byCaveman Etris, 2016 |
Gray Hairstreak Butterfly byCaveman Etris, 2016
| |
Variegated Fritillary
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar Denis Conover, 2014
False Crocus Geometer Moth photo byCaveman Etris, 2013
Chickweed Geometer photo by Caveman Etris, 2015 |
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth photo byCaveman Etris, 2016 |
Three-spotted Fillip Moth photo byCaveman Etris, 2013
Yellow-collared Scape Moth photo by Caveman Etris, 2015 |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Pandora Sphinx Caterpillar
Virginia Tiger Moth Caterpiller photo byCaveman Etris, 2012
Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar photo byCaveman Etris, 2013
Inch Worm photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Leopard Moth Caterpillar |
Blister Beetle |
Red Milkweed Beetle photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Annual Dog Day Cicada
Dogbane Beetle photo byCaveman Etris, 2015 |
Differential Grasshopper
Yellow Colored Differential Grasshopper |
Insect on Man-of-the-Earth
Robber Fly photo byCaveman Etris, 2013
Mayfly photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Mayflies photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Mayflies photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Bumblebee on Milkweed |
Bumble Bees photo byCaveman Etris, 2014 |
Mud Dauber |
Wolf Spider photo byCaveman Etris, 2014 |
Harvestman (Daddy-longlegs) photo byCaveman Etris, 2014 |
Unidentified Orb Weaver Spider photo byCaveman Etris, 2013 |
Long-jawed Orchard Orb Weaver photo byCaveman Etris, 2012 |
Unidentified Orb Weaver photo byCaveman Etris, 2016 |